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Your business and brand are your passion; what you love about doing everyday to earn a living from and how you add value to others. In order to sustain that business, and give it the credibility it deserves, branding your business appropriately should be one of the first steps to invest in. Leave your customers impressed, and invested in you!


Finch Media Co. has many different options to suit your business branding needs, and we are thrilled to help you sort those out and present and brand yourself appropriately. This is how we can add value to your brand. 


You sometimes only have a few seconds to make a first impression, so lets make it a powerful one. Whether its making an impact with your first impression on a new customer, or enticing returning customers to come again or refer you. We help you make it count and have an innovative approach to digital marketing. Our media is designed to generate income. Let us help you grow!


Social Media


This is the ultimate way to market your business without the hastle of you having to do the leg work.


Let us take care of your photo, video, graphics and extend your online reach






Commercial Photography

Build your e-commerce store, and your business with top of the line commercial photography for your products and services!







Personal Brand Photography

Personal Brand Photography is curated photography to compliment your brand and tell your story. Different package options are available. Our most chosen being done seasonally








This is the perfect way to introduce yourself, brand your business cards, linked in or website! These are small packages to start you off correctly!







Brand Consultation

This is a consultation package, usually broken into 2 or more sessions. 1st, is to get to know you and your personality which is free of charge, the 2nd is strategic  to help build your brand, and its presence for a fee. 







Brand Videography

Video is THE ticket for socials right now. Video marketing is leading the way with short, entertaining or value added  clips. Let's get your business growing with some high-quality reels!





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by Leiken Finch 

Midland, TX |  |   (806) 395-0871 
Media: Personal Brand | Business| Commercial| Social Media Strategy

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